Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Feature Friday ::: Caterpillar to Butterfly

If you know anything about me, you know I love people and their stories. What you might not know is, I love helping others see their dreams become reality! I cannot accurately describe the excitement I feel when I see friends, associates, or even strangers achieve dreams and goals. It’s such a thrill for me!… Continue reading Feature Friday ::: Caterpillar to Butterfly

Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Milan Maternity Session ::: Northern Virginia

I’ve heard the saying that cousins are your first friends and I have come to find that to be true. Milan is my “little” cousin (our grandmothers are sisters). We grew up together and have some crazy stories that would have you laughing until tears fell. I may or may not have tried and succeeded… Continue reading Milan Maternity Session ::: Northern Virginia

Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Catching up ::: Kiara + Naomi ::: Mommy and Me

First and foremost I must apologize! To you and my blog that I have neglected! But I’m back and excited to share wonderful sessions that were never posted from May 2013! That’s right, I have been holding out unintentionally since MAY!! Fear no more because we are back in action and more focused than ever!… Continue reading Catching up ::: Kiara + Naomi ::: Mommy and Me