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#TBT: Remember Who You Are

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I can’t be the only one who has found themselves in a funk…BUT if I am the only one I must offer my apologies for filling your day with my funk!

But seriously, I know that I’m not the only one! No words necessary just blink twice if you can relate.

Okay, glad we got that out of the way and we’re on the same page!

Back to what I was saying… some days I find myself feeling like I have no idea what I’m doing or being in a place where I know exactly what I’m doing but having a struggle with that good ol’ imposter syndrome. Honestly, I sometimes find myself trapped in a cycle.


One day I was in that imposter syndrome, “whoa is me” cycle and I had reached the point where I decided that enough was enough.
I was tired y’all!! {I’m a pretty tough opponent.}

I spent some time sitting with my thoughts while spending some time in my Abide meditation app and when I was done, I was done.

Recalling this whole experience, all that comes to mind is Simba in The Lion King when his dad’s spirit talks to him in the clouds during the time of his struggle of trying to run away from where he’s supposed to be and doing what he knows he’s supposed to do.
He looks and Mufasa and says… “You have forgotten who you are…Remember who you are.” Whew!!


We all have moments where we “lose” ourselves. Maybe you’re there right now.

STOP! You’re amazing and there is no one that can be you better than YOU! You are needed and you are necessary.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves who we are!!

Ever heard of “Throwback Thursday”?

There are things that we know but doubt and self-judgment make for some heavy clouds and it can be hard to see in a cloudy space.

So I went back and looked at previous blog posts I had and they helped spark my memory of me. I felt it would be a good idea to share some TBTs with you!


In love,

The Greatest Truth (2012)

When things start going in an uncomfortable direction that we don’t necessarily plan it’s easy to get caught up in everything that’s wrong and every time we’ve messed up. Sometimes is easier to recognize the mess then it is to see the victory.

We’ve all, at one time or another, found ourselves trapped in our own little pity party and some in a downward spiral. But today, I’ve come to let you in on a little secret. In fact, it’s probably one of the greatest truths to ever be revealed. Jesus loves you more.

You’ve made mistakes and messed up time after time, but Jesus loves you more.

You’re life feels like it’s going nowhere or heading in an uncontrollable direction, but Jesus loves you more.

You’re in a messy situation or you feel like you’ve gone to far and there’s no need to change. Jesus loves you more.

Jesus loves you more than the mistakes you’ve made,  more than who you feel you’ve become. He loves you more than your sin and your shame.

In Romans, we are reminded that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. NOTHING.

In John 4, we learn of a Samaritan woman who is caught up in the sin of adultery. Jesus goes out of his way to reveal himself to her and tell her the good news of her available redemption. If you look a little closer, After he meets with her and speaks to the people who came to him through her testimony, He leaves. Jesus went out of His way to get to her and He’ll certainly go out of His way to get to you.

Also if you read the story you will see that He didn’t require her to get herself together before he told her about the available redemption. Once she met Christ, she wanted to know how she could get the living water and then He got her together.

God is not a self-help God. Meaning, He doesn’t expect you to be able to get your own self together before you come to Him. The bible says that WHOEVER calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

You’ve already be accepted into the beloved but you must accept the acceptance.

You haven’t gone to far. You haven’t done too much that can’t be forgiven. You’re not “unsavable”. You’re not obligated to stay in the mess you’ve made.

Jesus loves you more.

In love,


Maybe you’re tired of doing the same thing over and over again or living in the same mess that you’ve been in for years. Getting to Christ is so simple. Like I said, He has already gone out of His way to get to you. If you would like to love Jesus more than your problems, repeat this prayer:

Father, I realize that I have not been living the life that you’ve called me to. I repent (turn away from) for every thing in my life that is not like you. Cleanse me and wash me in your blood. I believe that Jesus is Lord and that He is the son of God and seated at the right hand of the father. I pray that your Holy Spirit help to lead and guide me from this day forward. I make the decision to live for you. Make my salvation real to me. Thank you for loving me more.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

*If you’ve prayed that prayer, I would love to rejoice along with heaven for the commitment that you’ve made and the great things that are about to happen in your life! Email me CarmaletaAnn@gmail.com*

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