Defined · Encouragement · MrsPastorMom · My Life · Personal

What Do You Do Well?

… remember the movie Cinderella when the prince is running all over the kingdom trying to find Cinderella and all he has to identify her with his her shoe? You know, the glass slipper… that was obviously extremely custom considering no one else in the entire kingdom could fit it?
It’s kind of crazy when you think about it because every woman in the village was sure to try on a shoe that they all knew good and well they didn’t wear but if it fit you got a prince and access to all the pretty things that are beyond your wildest dreams.

As crazy as their behavior was, stop and think about it, we can sometimes fit the behavior of the women in the village in our daily lives.

No, but seriously!
Okay, Okay…I won’t point any fingers at you, so I’ll call myself out! I’m a lover of success stories and I love to dream with and celebrate others… so much so, I tend to fall in love with what their doing or dreaming of and I immediately start thinking of how I can help the or how I can recreate what their doing to fit in my life. It doesn’t even have to be people I know… Like I can see an awesome and “easy” to do subscription box and I think, “Oh that’s awesome, I can do that, I could…” I mean it’s really inevitable. I would try to, like the women in the kingdom, MAKE the idea fit while convincing myself that it absolutely will fit knowing good and well that it’s not even an idea that was tailored made for me.

Can anyone else relate?

The thing is, every time I do that, I end up frustrated and feeling defeated. I end up feeling defeated while trying to win a battle, usually an inner battle, that doesn’t belong to me anyway! Do you ever find yourself feeling this way too?


Why do we… I… do this? It’s like a revolving door experience that for some INSANE reason I keep walking.
I’m sitting down writing this because your girl is tired and is stepping forward to get out of the revolving pattern!

Care to join me?

It’s easy to start though it will absolutely take some time of both honest self-evaluation mixed with honest self-awareness! I know… It’s way easier to say than it is to do!
But isn’t that the truth when it comes to anything that really has to do with us personally?

We are VERY awake of our areas of failures but what is it that you do well in naturally? Beyond what others think or say, what do you crush?! Where do you thrive as opposed to simply survive? The only way for this to make a difference in our lives is to do a honest self discovery!

Go ahead and save this image and let the journey begin!

Looking back at Cinderella’s story, we see the kingdom women acting crazy then there’s Cinderella being hidden away in her room by her step-mother but in the end the Prince finds her and marries her because she who he’s been looking for… you know the story.

She was kept hidden because the step mother knew that she just might be EXACTLY what the prince was looking for but the prince found her anyway.
I realized through the story that we…I… can often be in the step-mother and Cinderella role at the same time.


I’m glad that you asked!
Cinderella knew it was her. Cinderella knew that she was the one the prince was in love with and the she was the on he needed. The step-mother figured out that it was Cinderella that he was looking for and was the one that he needed to she did her best to hide her away.
SO how do we …I… fit that narrative perfectly?
The world is looking for what you have. They need what you do well but we sometimes hide ourselves because we doubt ourselves due to feeling that what we have is not enough, but the truth is YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Say it with me..

You are who you are because who you are is enough and what you do well is needed! Seriously!
Save the image above and take a little time to think about and write out what you do well. Take some time to explore where you dig into the valleys while acknowledging the hills of who you are!
Most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP!

In love,

*Are you up for the challenge? If you let me know down in the comments*

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