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Same Boat?

Can you believe that we are about to celebrate another new year in 15 days?! I mean, it feels like we just watched the ball drop while we wished each other a happy new year with our hearts filled with vision and new goals wrapped in anticipation.

It didn’t take too long for us to realize that this would literally be a year that we’ve never experienced before. A year that we couldn’t have ever imagined. I was having a conversation with someone and we agreed that this year totally going to end up in the history books. I suggested that this year is so full of historical and redefining moments that it would probably be an entire chapter.

Like, what a page turner chapter 2020 has been for us individually?! For me, it’s been a whirlwind really. There really is no other word that defines it better. In fact, I don’t really know of any word that sufficiently characterizes this year.

I’ve lost more people that I have loved my whole life in such a short time period. I’ve come to see that many people have forgotten how to people due to the results of stress. The kids came home in March from school and have been on a virtual school adventure and to ensure virtual school goes successfully, I had to leave my job and come home.

Even though coming home was something that I wanted since the boys were born, adjusting can be difficult. Adjusting for me blended with the children adjusting can be hard.

Am I right?!

I’m still trying to get a full grasp on everything (I almost laughed when I said that!) in the midst of uncertainty and constant changes. I don’t know it all but I came to realize a few things. Now I could create a never ending list that goes on and on but let’s be real…who has that kind of time? I mean, we may have the time but who really wants to read a never ending list?!


I’m pretty sure that I can sum up a small amount of what I’ve learned so far without have to use a number list.
Y’all! These kids are so incredibly resilient. Resilient is being able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. I mean honestly, we all are resilient! I mean think about everything that you’ve walked through to get to where you are now!
*I’m clapping and celebrating with you* What do they say, “I’m not where I want to be but I’m not where I used to be!”

One thing I’ve learned is that everyone has a different way of doing things. I mean, I’ve always known that but things get a little murky when you actually have to live out what you know. We all have our way of doing things that are the right and easier way to us. We tend to deem our way as the only way that makes sense and we get frustrated when others don’t adopt our way. We don’t say it but it’s literally a my way or the highway kind of thing.

I first realized this when I watched my children complete their math homework. They were doing multiplication problems and as a watch them I caught myself saying, “Why don’t you just <insert my advice based off how I learned it>” This was often met with refusal and frustration from them which led to frustration from me then to the explosion of frustration for everyone. I promise, I gave up almost everyday. It was a cycle. I was a cycle until I realized that their ways were different but they still ended with the correct answer.
<Mind blown>

My mind wasn’t blown because of math realizations, although they do have some cool ways of solving problems, but it was blown at the overall concept in action. The concept that different isn’t wrong, it’s just different.
So like, we’re all in the same storm called 2020 but we’re in different locations in different boats. Though we’re traveling in the same storm, my view is different from your view and vise versa which is okay.

Just because others don’t do things the way we do or they don’t think like us doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong. It’s different but now necessarily wrong.

So, that’s been one of my many learned lessons of 2020.
Be kind. Listen and learn other’s story. Be kind.
2020 has been a hard one for many but be careful not to push it off before you get all the good hidden within. God’s be good. God’s been gracious. and God’s been faithful.

What about you? Do you have and lessons that you’ve learned during 2020 so far? If so, please share! I’d love to know!

In love,

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