Encouragement · MrsPastorMom · My Life · Personal


2020 promises to be a wonderful new year in the world of TV, Movies, Politics, Sports, Technology, Books, Music, and more.

SO here we are, about to walk into October?

Wasn’t it just January?! This year has flown and is still flying. We went from living our normal, to living 2 weeks at a time, to an uncertain life full of extra uncertainty.

If we’re honest, none of us really know how to navigate our new world but I encourage you, in the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

2020 has changed the game but I’ve looked and it forgot to give us the rules or even the receipt! The only way that we are going to win is by listening, learning, growing, and grace.

Let’s walk through this together

LISTEN– When we meet people, Myself included, we have to set aside our accepted stereotypes and assumptions. Geesh, I know it’s hard but it is so absolutely necessary. Creating someone else’s narrative is like having a full conversation sharing incorrect information while the one who knows all the right answers is share. LET IT GO! Everyone has a story!

LEARN– I know it’s hard to believe and accept but say it with me… I.DO.NO.KNOW.EVERYTHING. People are different. Even our twins couldn’t be any more different. We’ve got to stop expecting people to act, think, or feel in a way to makes sense to us. OUCH! We can’t expect us out of others.

GROW– Going back to Maya’s words, when we learn and recognize better, we must make the shift and/or turn and actually do better

GRACE– Last but not least, grace. To get through this we must show, move, and allow grace. We must show grace to others to avoid drowning in anger or becoming bitter and we must show grace to ourselves! Yes, leave room for grace towards yourself because, I hate to break it to you, You’re not going to get it right all the time and that’s perfectly okay!

We can do this TOGETHER! It’s not just how you go through it but is’s also how you grow through it!

Jesus Calling Devotional

Jesus Always Devotional

Spirit Filled Bible

In love,


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