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Ripped Pages

Never judge a book by it’s cover right?

*I have been going back and forth in my head if I should even write this. Should I even post this?*

So what’s the purpose of a book cover anyway? A book cover lets you know all the important details like the title, the author, and illustrator. It often has a pretty picture that sparks your imagination and gives you a slight insight on what to expect. And of course it protects what’s inside, the pages, of the book.

A pretty cover means a beautiful read right? It is possible for the inside of a book to have pages that are absolutely destroyed or taped together and barely hanging on! I know you’ve seen it before. Pages ripped and taped together to be sure they remain a part of the book. I remember when my boys were about 1 yrs old they ripped pieces from a few pages of my favorite study bible. I was upset but I realized it was over and done. I couldn’t change the past. I couldn’t change and undo what had happened to my book. Image result for it's okay to not be okayInstead of letting the people that could help know what had happened, I quickly shoved the pages back in the bible exactly where they were and just rested in the fact that I could replace it later… which I did.

But when we think about it, how many of us walk around with beautiful covers over ripped pages?

96% of us can raise our hands in agreement. If your hand is up, no judgement coming from here!

It’s okay if you’ve got ripped pages being protected by your cover. It’s not okay NOT to talk to someone about your ripped pages. They may not be able to make the rip go away but they may have what you need help hold it together.

No one said that all your pages have to be together or perfect. And…I’m just going to say it… shame on the conversation of anyone who said that you did.

If you’re in a mental health battle such as, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, or suicide ideation, hear my encouragement today that you are not ruined or broken. You have necessary and loved. There are people who truly care and desire to help.

Please don’t try and fight this battle alone or by using “weapons” that were never meant for you. (Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. 39 David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. )

If this is you, please contact a doctor or therapist. If you cannot get to one, because let’s be real… it’s hard to leave the house sometimes… please call 1-800-273-8255 (24 hour suicide hotline)

“Taped pages still tell beautiful stories”

In love,


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