Encouragement · My Life · My life and Christ · Personal

They call me Leta (Lee-Tah)

You ever had sometime to say, that you know you needed to say, but working on building the courage to say it is a lot easier than actually saying it? Don’t raise your hand all at once!

Making mole-hills into mountains. I do that sometimes… okay, I do it A LOT! By the time I get to the end of this post and it’s published I’m pretty sure that I will laugh at my dramatics.

In all honesty what I’m walking through right now is hard and it can certainly become heavy at times. I started this blog in 2010 with the purpose of encouraging other through Christ but here I am in 2019 picking up where I left off. I’m still driven by the purpose of inspiring others through Christ but He’s calling me to so much more. What exactly will be the outcome? I honestly have no idea!

A few years ago, after having my precious twins, I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease which currently affects my movements. Some might call it a chronic illness, but whatever you call it, you get what I’m saying. Walking is hard. Standing for long periods of time is hard. Very hot and very cold temperatures are hard. The difficulty is not what’s hard, it’s the not being able to do what you want to that’s hard. I praise God that I’m not in pain and I praise God that I am healed. Healed. I have been prayed over by people I know and people that live on the other side of the United States who don’t know me at all.69542466_2244861355622553_1403622624029835264_n

As we journey together I will share and unpack parts of my story and my journey. It’s not always happy days but every story ends with a reminder about the hope that’s found in Christ.

What about you? Are you dealing with something whether it be a chronic illness, a mental health issue, or even trauma? If this is you, please send me a message through the tab labeled “Prayer Requests”. These Requests are sent to my email and will be kept private. We all need each other as we journey this life.

Life’s tough… but so are you.

In love,


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