
Standing Up : Again.


You ever sit down and when it’s time to stand it’s not that easy to do? I don’t know about you but I have a terrible habit of sitting in a way that when it’s time for me to stand my leg, or worse, my foot falls asleep which adds on to the difficulty I was already dealing with.

I don’t think I’m the only one who experiences this at times and if I am…now you know a weird fact about Carmaleta. (Although I do not think nor believe that I am the only one.)


My whole point is to let you know, that’s exactly what I did. I haven’t written here is 3 years… THREE YEARS!! I got tired, sat down, and was struggling to stand up but I’m up!! I am somewhat nervous to share the everyday faith journey that is my life. But on the flip side, I am excited to share about this man named Jesus who reveals Himself more and more to me everyday.

With everyday comes a lesson straight from Jesus Himself! To be honest, sometimes it feels like I’m losing but a later find out that I was actually winning the whole time.

Guys. This is going to be so good!! This is just the intro for an amazing ride

. Speaking of rides… it’s kind of weird riding with someone that you have no idea who they are so let me know you’re here! What’s your name and where are you joining from!

In love,


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