Encouragement · My life and Christ

Also ::: A New Command


” A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another”  –John 13:34 NKJV

A scripture that is heard and quoted very often. Especially if you’re having trouble getting along with others. It’s amazing how you can hear or read something 100 times over and on the 101st time you hear or see something that you never saw before.

Reread the verse again… Did you notice that He said love one another twice? I’m sure you did but why? Why did He say the same thing two times in the same sentence? When it comes to Jesus and the bible, nothing is included just by chance. Everything in His word has a purpose.

This verse is divided into 2 sections, a “A” part and a “B” part. Though the two parts are apart of the same sentence they are separate by a semi-colon. The semi-colon has recently gained cultural popularity due to it’s positive definition.The main task of the semicolon is to mark a break that is stronger than a comma but not as final as a full stop. The semi-colon divides two separate thoughts that are closely related. So let’s take a look at the scripture one more time with that in mind.

Part A tells us to love one another. When we love one another, truly love one another, a lot of our issues would be dissolved. In part B Jesus doesn’t just tell us to love one another but adds, “As I have loved you”. Now that is heavy.

Think about the love Jesus has shown us, and by us I mean ALL of us. The people that He loved and died for are the same ones that turned on Him, denied Him, mocked Him, and ultimately killed Him.

He calls us to show love to others that same way He has shown His love towards us. I know about you but I have been talked about, laughed at, mocked, treated horribly, judge, among other things. In spite of all, I am called to show a relentless love.

I hear time and time again that God doesn’t call us to do things that we can’t do but I tend to disagree. If we could do everything He called us to on our own, we wouldn’t need Him. But the truth is, we do need Him. The call seems impossible but with God nothing is impossible.

I just want to encourage you today that whatever or whoever you’re faced with, trust God. Trust God and show love. So much is gained when we choose to love like Jesus.


In love,


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