Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Milan Maternity Session ::: Northern Virginia

I’ve heard the saying that cousins are your first friends and I have come to find that to be true. Milan is my “little” cousin (our grandmothers are sisters). We grew up together and have some crazy stories that would have you laughing until tears fell. I may or may not have tried and succeeded at scaring her when we were younger acting like a robot who was sent to destroy her. But that’s in the past… right? She still thinks I’m crazy!

With that in my mind, it’s so hard to believe that my baby cousin isn’t a baby anymore… in fact she is a mommy of a baby! We will share some of those photos at a later date. Patrick and I made our way to Northern Virginia and had a fun maternity session that consisted of laughter upon laughter!

Enjoy some of my favorites!

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In love,


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