
Decisions ::: It’s Really Up To You

“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed”  – John 8:36

Ever been in a pity party or just a mood that you just can’t seem to shake? Ever developed a habit that you don’t want to do but you just can’t seem to break it? 

Let’s face it. If we are truthful we can all admit that at some point in our lives we have had to deal with stuff that just doesn’t want to let go. We smile and go on, but the smile we have is really masking the hurt, pain, sin, addiction, and whatever stronghold we’re wrestling with.

I know it’s easier said than done but last night I was hit with the undeniable truth! I’m free! You’re free! WE ARE FREE!

We know that Jesus died for our sins. But it is imperative that we realize and accept that He not only died for our sin but He died that we would be able to be free. When God does something, there is no expiration date. He told the sun to rise and set back when the world was first created and it’s still doing it. Jesus died that we may be free… He’s not coming back and dying again considering when He died He defeated death.

So with that truth, it comes down to us and our decisions. We have a decision to accept what He has done or to deny it by staying wrapped up on our bondage. To put it into pictures… imagine you’re in a jail cell. The jail keeper (the enemy/devil) put you in the cell and told you that you can’t come out because you’re a mess and what you’ve done will never be forgiven. He then walks out but he doesn’t have the key to lock it and you’re left sitting in a wide open jail cell.

He’s told you all the things you’ve done wrong and how unworthy you are and everything you don’t deserve. Now you have a choice. 

The doors open.

You can sit in that jail cell and beat up on yourself or you can get up and get out.

YOU were made to be free! You’re free because of what Christ did for you on that cross. And the enemy has no authority to take that freedom from you, you have to give it to him.

Be free… Accept what Christ has done.

The decision is yours.


In love,


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