
I never want to forget…

I have noticed that it’s so easy to get amnesia of great thing when situations are less than favorable. In the midst of arguments, it’s so easy to use the word “never” or “always” and forget about the actual truth of the matter. 

558451_816022402719_1809149013_n As I sit here and think (while I work) I realize I would probably be in tears right now (if I was an emotional person, but I’m not) because I am overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude specifically towards my husband.

I’m telling you he is absolutely amazing and I am so beyond blessed that he chose me to be his wife and partner for this life of ours.

I realize that I never what to forget. I never want to forget the love we share, right now in this moment. 

I never want to forget the things you have sacrificed just for me with no underlying motive.

I never want to forget how well you lead our family and the wisdom you share with us everyday.286_517330478729_5527_n

I never want to forget the grace you have extended. along with motivating encouragement that “it’s alright” and to “keep going”.

I never want to forget the number of tears you have wiped from my eyes and the amazing hugs you give.

I never want to forget when you asked me to be your girlfriend and later a proposal of forever and then I vow of a lifetime.

I never want to forget the crazy ups and downs and overall victories.

I never want to forget the prayers you’ve prayed known and unknown.

I never want to forget how well you love me.

This year is 4 years of marriage completed and 7 years together… though it seems like a lifetime. I am so excited for what the future hold for us and the all the things I will discover that I never want to forget.

You’re so unselfish and absolutely awesome! There are really not enough adjectives in the 65,000 known languages to accurately describe how amazing you are, have been, and be revealed to be.28262_580217043549_7346864_n

I never want to forget how much I love you.

In love,


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