
The “BUT” in your story

I love to read and I have come to find that the best stories are the ones that are unpredictable and full of twists and turns. In fact, the best books are kind of like roller coasters. I love roller coasters… now. There was a time when I was absolutely petrified of the twists and loops but one King’s Dominion trip, I was tricked into a roller coaster. The Outer Limits to be exact but that’s a whole new story and different can of worms. Either way, I rode the coaster and fell in love. I feel in love with the twists, loops, and drops that once had me so afraid. 

Something that I do to this very day when getting on a roller coaster is remind myself that it’s just a ride and I can see the people who rode it before so it’s going to come back to a place that has been promised. roller-coaster

Kind of like life when I think about it… I mean we have nice straight parts, there are times when we’re on that slow yet promising click upward. We have moments where everything is moving super fast and lots of dips, flips, loops, turns, and twists. It can be exciting, scary, and unpredictable. In the midst we have to remember the “BUT” that’s in our ride. The BUT that rests in our story. Just like the roller coaster, there is a promised safe place of protection waiting on us. It’s dangerous to stop in the middle of the ride, you have to keep going to get to that safe place of promise.

Same thing in life… God has called us to amazing destiny that He has prepared specifically for you. Though He has called you to something great, He never said it would be an easy road to that promise but regardless of the road, the promised ending is still there.

Your story may be full of ups, downs, twists, turns, and the unexpected BUT you have a promised landing. Don’t stop in the middle of your story. Don’t give up.

What you’re going through may be great and/or super hard but God is greater than your situation. The BUT in your story is one to always be remembered.

Be encouraged. 

There IS a name higher than any other name and to THAT name EVERY knee shall bow and tongue confess that HE is Lord

In love,


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