
Hey 2014, you look good! ::: Resolutions?


n. a firm decision to do or not to do something


It’s 2014… a new year! A new year is exciting and presents a clean slate for many do accomplish things that didn’t in the last year or stop habits that they don’t want to continue. Truth be told, many of these changes are changes that are able to occur whenever we accept the need and we don’t have to wait until a New Year to implement them but it’s kind of exciting to create a starting point. It kind of creates a sense of organization and new beginnings. 

Ever since I can remember, I’ve heard people speak of resolutions when it comes to a new year. I’ve heard people list theirs and I’ve also heard talks about how ridiculous resolutions are. But after looking at the true definition of resolution I have come to the conclusion that resolution is, in fact, a neutral term. A resolution isn’t bad or ridiculous in itself, it’s what we do or don’t do with the decisions that we’ve made. 

There is nothing stronger than a made-up mind and a lot of times all we need to do is make a decision and make up our mind to carry it out. Goals and Dreams are important and I love hearing about other’s and watching/helping it to come to past. This year, though I don’t have any resolutions (yet) I plan to not only focus on what I want to do but why I want to do it. 

In this new year I truly believe that God has placed it on my heart to dig deep into my thoughts and actions to be sure the motivation is right. The root of our motivation, believe or not, plays a very important role in the success of resolutions, along with dreams and visions. God wants us to be successful and He gives us dreams and visions to pursue. When He gives us an idea or places a dream in our spirit, He is trusting us to bring it to past and if our motivation is not right, it hinders our ability to bring it to past. 

If we’re making goals with the motivation of trying to impress others, 9 times out of 10 it is going to join the pile of all of our other forgotten resolutions. Is this the case all the time and for everyone? Certainly not, but for me I have found that when I pursue ideas and goals without first pursuing God, I tend to just kind of drop it and walk away. 

I don’t know about you but I am so thankful for God’s grace and mercy towards me and that He is always willing to forgive me when I fall short. It’s a great thing that we don’t have to walk in condemnation if we do happen to drop the vision and/or dreams we have been given. God forgives and allows for 2nd chances… a million chances for that matter.

Secret about me… If I don’t think I can do something, I don’t. I know I am not alone in saying, I don’t like to feel defeated and I hate to fail. I was talking to God about this the other day and He reminded me that “He didn’t call me to do things that I can do on my own but instead He calls me to the impossible with His help so that He can get the glory.” Duh right?!?! 

So this year, I’ve decided to make a resolution. I sought God to see what He would have me to do (It’s always better when I do that anyway). So my resolution of this year seems simple but I am taking it as a challenge and encourage you to consider implementing it into your 2014 resolutions.

This year I resolve to seek my motivations first before making my goals. I resolve to accept the hard things God presents before me and to trust in Him to bring them to past. 

Doesn’t seem like much but if you know me, you will know how excited I get and how quickly I like to go, go, go. I’ve got to slow down and think it through.

Why am I telling you?! So when you see me getting a little to ahead of myself you can hold me accountable. 

I am looking forward to some get things in 2014. Not just formulated ideas but completed ideas.

Happy Thursday!

In love,


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