
Top 10 for 2013 ::: Part 1

Wow! Is the end of 2013 really two days away?! How did that even happen! They say, time always flies when you’re having fun. If that’s the case, I must be having a ball! And I really can’t deny that.

2013 has been filled with ups and downs, laughs and tears, but I made it. Tomorrow is 2014 and I’m antsy with anticipation for what will come in this new year! At the same time I would be remiss if I jumped right into what I’m hopeful for in 2014 without looking back through what 2013 has taught me and brought me. 

So that’s what this post is going to be focused on… What have I learned in 2013?? I’m going to break this into 2 posts… and here is post #1

1. I don’t just like pictures

As you know I have a photography business. When I started the business I thought it was about making money taking beautiful pictures of beautiful people but I’ve learned it’s much more than that for me. I not only love the pictures but I love the people. I love meeting the people behind my lens. I love seeing people’s “amazingness” literally bloom in front of my camera. In 2013, I have met so many individuals and families that I have grown to love and I can honestly say I have learned something from every person in front of my lens, even if it’s just to laugh a little longer or to just be comfortable being me!

2. Your whole life can change in a matter of weeks

The Lord has been so gracious towards me and my husband since we have been married. It’s crazy to look back and see us graduating from college and neither of us having a full-time job. I worked at the Boys and Girls Club with less than 30 hrs a week and my husband took a leap and followed God. He left his part-time job… which was a great job (at the time) and started his own business teaching private music lessons. I took my first full-time job in a nearby school system. There I patiently waited and God opened up the door  for me to get a great job in our local middle school and for my husband while maintaining his business, to get offered a public school teaching job! I wish I could go into detail but I can say that God literally took us to a new level financially, relationally, and emotionally in a matter of weeks.

3. Your time is worth more than you think

Don’t let people waste your time. God has given me some great ideas and led me to create some large but great goals. Let me be the first to admit that I often time struggle with procrastination but it’s not something I enjoy. I dislike when I come up with ideas and never do them. I don’t want that to be a reflection on my character. I desire more from God. More ideas, more dreams and visions. When God sees me, I want Him to see someone who He can trust with His vision and ideas. How you use your time is important and how you allow others to use your time is just as important. It’s great to have a great time but be cautious of who  you cast your pearls before. In other words… ideas are great but be perceptive. When you see that you’re just pouring and others aren’t using what you pouring.. Be cautious.

4. Appreciate those who ARE around you

NEWSFLASH… Everyone is NOT going to like you and it’s okay! This used to bother me but a few weeks ago (yessss recently) it finally all clicked for me. It doesn’t matter. After checking myself and making sure I didn’t do anything to the person, it was just a shrug. Some people don’t like you simply because… well… they just don’t. I am only responsible for how I treat people not for how they treat me. I refuse to let someone push me outside my character simply because they have decided to be… well… crappy. Love them anyway and don’t forget to look around. The friend circle my be small but that’s not a bad thing at all. I’d rather have 3 real friends than 20 people pretending to be my friend. I’m so thankful for the people God has surrounded me with this year. Everyone doesn’t have to like me and I don’t have to like everyone but I am called to love beyond my “like”

5. Be yourself

This one was plain and simple. I am who I am. My character is aligned with God has His word and that’s what matters. God designed me and He knows my personality. He knows I genuinely care and am sincerely happy for other people. I love seeing other people succeed and reach their goals and visions. I laugh a lot and tend to shed a tear or two while I’m laughing. I love to joke and smile. I’m loud and full of energy. That’s just me. Take it or leave it. I will never again try to change who I am to make other people feel comfortable. 

Happy Monday!


In love,


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