
Perfect Timing:::

Hey! I’m Back!! Maybe we should have a welcome back party?! Maybe I just like to celebrate so I come up with any reason! Either way, here I am and glad to be back.

Ever have those days where time moves super fast. In my case, I get to work at 7 am and then all of a sudden I look up and it’s 1:30 pm. I love days like that. Then there are days where it takes forever to get the end or the times that it seems like forever to get to the day you’re excited about. Like leading up to Christmas or your birthday! 

I think I can speak for most when I say sometimes we just want what we want to happen when we want and to just get here already! In fact, working in a school, I hear daily murmurs about ideas to just make school on Thursdays and Fridays and to have Saturday-Wednesday as a weekend. In theory that sounds great but can you imagine how much we would grow to dislike Thursday and Friday?

Imagine… You’re having a great time Saturday-Wednesday and then all of a sudden you have to pause for two days to go to school or work. Yeaaaaa, not as exciting now that I think about it. In fact, when I look at it my idea for perfect timing wouldn’t have been as perfect as I thought and when what I was waiting for actually did happen, it was perfect.

As humans, we have our own idea of what would be perfect for us. And I know for myself, when I really want something I can come up with every detail and reason why I need it right now. If I don’t get it right when I think I should I can get a little bummed out but when it does happen it always turns out better than I expected.

What a great reminder that God’s timing is the best timing. With God’s timing you find yourself in places you’ve only imagined and dreamed of. Let’s say you have a dream car that makes you stop and stare every time you meet one on the road. You have specifics on what you want but every one you find has some of your desires but not everything or the things you desire most. You try and talk yourself into settling for it. Or try and settle for a cheaper car that is not your dream. All of a sudden you’re driving and you lay eyes on the car you desire. You look it up thinking it won’t have everything you want but then you realize it has everything and more. You pursue and you get it. You wanted it three years ago and it didn’t work out. And now you’ve gotten your dream and then some because the mileage is that of a short term rental car and it wasn’t even made until after the year you started desiring it.

God’s timing is perfect timing! Trust God. He wants you to be blessed and gives you the desires of your heart and so of course He wants you to have what you desire as it lines up with His word.Trust in God. He is who He says He is and He will do what He has promised!

Be encouraged. If it hasn’t happened yet, He’s just operating out of perfection!


Happy Wednesday!


In love, 


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