My Life · Personal

Transition ::: A day in the life

It seems like transition is the theme for the Billups family this year!

It started off last year with the birth of our beautiful twin boys Gracen + Micah. Let me tell you shifting from child-less lovebirds to mommy and daddy love birds with 2 little chickadees was not an easy task BUT we are loving every second of it. They have both proved themselves to have quite the personalities and I can’t think of a day they haven’t made me laugh. In the fall of that same year, the hubs was ordained in the ministry. Not only was he ordained BUT he then elevated from minister to assistant youth pastor. We went from a house full of ministers to a house that now sheltered a pastor! 

Now to this year…

Our youth pastor was called to a new position and passed the torch taking the hubs from assistant youth pastor to youth pastor. Because of his elevation it was announced that my ordination date was being moved to this year rather than the anticipated time next year. Not only will I be ordained but I will be youth pastor along with my husband anddd our super close friends were elevated to assistants to the youth pastor and will soon be elevated to assistant youth pastors. 

I know you’re probably like… ummm wow that’s a lot but I’m not done!

I love being in the lives of pre-teens, teens, and young adults. Because of that passion I sought out a job in a nearby county that would allow me to work within a school system. I absolutely love it, especially when I get to spend time in the school (I work in the central office. The only kids I see there are in trouble). Recently I noticed a position opened up in the county we actually live and minister in and it was within the school system and actually in the school. I thought for a while and then sent in my application. 

Just recently I accepted the position and will be transitioning to my local school division and working in the middle school’s front office. Gosh, God is so Good and He didn’t stop there. Not only did I get a job some place I love the hubs applied to be the elementary school music teacher within the same county (For those that don’t know, it’s a small county with only one high school, one middle school, and one elementary school and the middle and elementary school are connected through the cafeteria. Last week we found out that hubs got the position! So while I’m working in the front office at the middle school, he will be the music teacher at the elementary school just a few hallways away!

The awesome this about his job is that it allows him to reach more students in the community and teach them music, he will still be able to run his business and even present the youth in community more opportunities!

Today is my last day here at my office and I’m sad to say goodbye but I am excited for what’s next. God blessed me with this job 2-years ago as my first “real” job and I’ll be forever thankful for the people I’ve met, the things I’ve learned and the opportunities I’ve had. 

Transition can be difficult at times but gosh it’s exciting! I’ve found myself saying this a lot lately, it’s amazing how much God actually cares. God cares about your life. He doesn’t want you to struggle. He has a life better than you could even imagine. Even if life is peachy-keen please know that better is possible. You matter to Him.

Here’s to transition and all the awesome things that are wrapped in it!


Happy Thursday,



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