Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Happy Anniversary ::: Kiara + Lawrence

Two years ago a couple of friends took a chance on me and hired me to be their wedding photographer. To this very day, their marriage celebration is one of my ultimate favorites. It helps when your clients are more than just clients but friends. They believed in what I was trying to do and will go down in history as Carmaleta Ann Photography’s first ever wedding.

They are celebrating their two-year anniversary today! I have to be completely honest and say I just love them and their little family. They recently welcomed a baby girl into the world (you’ll see her a little later right here on the blog). She’s the perfect combination of them both. 

Happy Anniversary to the Trotmans! I hope that it’s absolutely amazing and that you get some time to enjoy each other and celebrate the occasion. 

Here’s to many more!!!





Happy Monday!


In love,


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