
Oh, Friday Is Here!

Some weeks seem to move slower than slow and then there are weeks that move by so fast you don’t even notice it’s already Thursday! For me, this week seemed to fly by. It seemed like I was starting the week and all of a sudden I look up and it’s already 3:20 pm (I get off work at 4 pm) on Thursday afternoon. I love when weeks go by super fast. I think it’s because as an adult I love and look forward to the weekend, especially now that it’s warm. I’m looking forward to summer days, school getting out, Friday’s off, and pools opening. This is my first summer I get to mommy the whole time and take the boys on their first trips to the pool, hang at the beach, and visit amusement parks. Granted they’re only 10 months old but they love to take in new things and go new places and I love to introduce them to those things! 

I’m not really writing this post to share my summer excitement or give you our summer plan schedule. I just wanted to encourage you this Friday and for your weekend! I hope you enjoy your weekend, no matter what’s going on in this journey called life. Take some time to breathe, to spend time with the ones closest to you, and make some time for yourself. Everything might not be perfect but take this weekend and focus on the good things in life and the positive possibilities! Just like the weekend forecast here on the middle peninsula of Virginia, there may be some thunderstorms but there’s still a chance for a beautiful day!


Happy Friday!

In Love,


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