My Life · Personal

It’s Our Anniversary::: 3 Years!

I’m from Northern Virginia, born and raised. But I knew somewhere deep within I was born to be a country girl, at least partially. I mean, I can’t seem to erase “Y’all” from my vocabulary and I could drink sweet tea while sitting outside on a porch allllll day! After graduating high school, I only applied to one college and thankfully I got in to CNU and headed down to Newport News in August. One of the reasons why I chose CNU, besides the fact I loved their colors, was that I didn’t know anyone that was going and I wanted to change my scenery a little. I mean, I moved 13 times by the time I got to high school, so I was used to getting to know new people. It’s the first day of school and I happen to know one of the students from high school. She had graduated before me so she knew the ropes and had some friends so we went to lunch together with one of her friends. 

We’re in the cafeteria and in walks this tall boy with his gray hoodie and the cutest eye brows I had ever seen. I happened to mention that he was cute out loud which initiated my friends decision to go and tell him that I thought he was cute and ask him if he had a girlfriend. I laughed slightly embarrassed as he got his food and left. Little did I know that I had just had my first distant encounter with the man who would end up being my husband.

Skip ahead to second semester when I was eating dinner alone in the cafeteria and he comes in to eat with some of his friends. He sees I’m alone and decides to eat with me. He continues to eat with me for the next couple of days and after dinner one day I decide to tell him that I like him and walk away. That was back when instant message was popular. The next thing I knew I received a message asking if I liked to skate. I said yea, and that led to our first date. 

He must have really liked me because he asked me out to his (and now mine) church’s Valentines dinner even though I told him I hated Christian rap music because it was whack not knowing he did Christian rap.. oops! He asked me to be his girl friend on valentine’s day of 2007 and from that day on we were only apart one summer and maybe a max of 3 weeks total before he asked me to be his wife on April 13th 2008. We went through fights, disagreements, tears, breakups, and excitement and on May 15th 2010 we became one. 

So there’s our story in a nutshell and 6 years dating, 3 years married, and 2 babies, I’m still in love! He is one of the most amazing people I know. He’s dedicated, hard-working, and determined. He’s a visionary and an encourager. He can actually frustrate you with his level headedness and only because you know he’s right. He’s real, honest, and caring. He’s the best dad everrrrrrrrrrrrr! Most importantly he’s a true man of God and because he loves God more than me, he loves me so very well!

He’s the love of my life!!! I love love loveeeeee him!


You’re the best ever. I don’t think I could of created you better if I had the opportunity. I am convinced when God created you He had me in mind. I am so blessed to have you in my life and to have the privledge of having your last name. I love you forever and foralways! We’ve been up and we’ve been down. We’ve had plenty  and we’ve had absolutely nothing. We’ve argued, we’ve cried, we’ve loved, we’ve laughed. I’m looking forward to what’s next on our ride! Through it all I love, appreciate and cherish you for all that you are!!!!

Happy 3 year anniversary!


Happy Wednesday everyone!

In Love,


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