Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Mommy and Me Mini-Session::: Something New

I can hardly wrap my head around the idea that is already March and spring is just a few short weeks away! The rate at which time moves is absolutely mind-blowing to me. I love, love, love spring. The bright colors, the warm weather that’s not too hot nor too cold, and the overall feeling of newness! Usually, around this time I jump in line with other photographers and set up dates for Easter Sessions. I had included it in my mini-session line-up for the year but then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I wanted to do something a little different this year. So with much thought, I have decided to not do Easter sessions. I know, huge gasp from the portrait community but it just seemed to cliché and spring, to me, represents a newness and fresh ideas.

As some may know, I am only offering 4 mini sessions at a gifted investment price. This spring I thought that I would mix it up a bit and offer Mommy and Me(us) mini session. This session is near and dear to my heart because I am a new mommy of twin boys and the thought of them growing up one day literally makes me shift a little. Not because I don’t want them to grow up but because right now, they aren’t worried about their friends or their “coolness”, they just love their momma and love when their momma loves on them.Babies and me

Session dates will be released this week but will take place begin in the later parts of March through the month of April. These sessions are very simple and are meant to just capture the raw love and emotion between a mother and her child(ren).

The session can take place at your home or outdoors at your favorite place together. Anywhere from the playground to the frozen yogurt shop.

Normally a session with Carmaleta Ann Photography will call for an investment of $150. For this mini-session, the investment will be $50 and will include a basic print package of 1-8×10, 2-5×7, 16 wallets, and complimentary 11×14. You will also be gifted a disc of the image you have chosen for your prints as well as an additional image along with a print release.

Mini-sessions normally fill up fast so be sure to contact us to reserve your spot. A $25 non-refundable retainer fee is required to reserve your session. Book your session HERE.

Happy Monday!

In love,


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