Encouragement · My life and Christ

Inspired by Faith

Let’s be honest… sometimes I get in a little funk. Yes, fun, perky, happy, joyful, spirited, Carmaleta get’s in a funk sometimes. I dream big dreams. I like to say that I would be classified as a visionary. I have such strong desires for particular passions that I can get frustrated if I am unable to see how it’s going to come to past.

Yes, I know as Christians we are to walk by faith and not by sight but sometimes the things I see, or don’t see, can get to me. Maybe you can relate to these thoughts…

“I have the same degree as them. Why do they have such an amazing job in their field and I can’t seem to find one?”

“I want to own a house. They are the same age as me, and they own one.”

“I want to run my own business and do full time ministry!”

And the list of thought can go on and on and I can begin to drown in “Is any of this even possible?!”

But then something shakes me and causes me to come to myself. God reminds me that ALL things are possible through Him. He reminds me of the power of faith. In Hebrews 11:3 we are reminded that faith is a creative power! That by faith God created the worlds from absolutely nothing.

I was inspired by faith; the power of faith.

And I’m writing this to hopefully inspire you. Faith can create something when you don’t see anything. When it seems like there’s no way, faith in God will create a way! That desire you have, as it lines up with the word, is not too hard for God to accomplish.

God is a creative God and He loves to do things for His children!

Have faith in God and be inspired.


In Love,


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