
When You Just Don’t Understand

I hadn’t planned on posting anything this week but sometimes things come up that are unplanned, unexpected, and unwelcomed.

As most of you have probably heard there was a terrible incident in a Connecticut school today and teachers and children were injured and some lost their lives.

What do you say when things you don’t understand happen. How do you respond? How do you act? I wish I could answer those questions for you specifically but honestly I can not.

I can not even fathom the pain those children felt as the took their last breath, the anger that the inidivdual harbored to cause him to do such a horrific thing. I can’t imagine, the hopefulness of waiting to hear you children are okay and then receiving a call that begins with the phrase, I’m sorry.

I cannot imagine it and I don’t know why.

But what I do know is that Jesus is real and He cares, He sees, and He feels. He takes no joy in your pain but in your restoration and encouragement.

So here I am, with no politically correct answer. I’m here only to encourage you to look to Jesus. He is greater, He is stronger, and He cares. He cares for you, for me, the children involved in the incident and even the gunman.

I encourage us all to be in prayer for the families involved in the incident of today. Pray for their peace, pray for their comfort and for their resoration and healing. Pray that love and forgiveness will reign in the hearts of every individual. Pray that complete restoration will take place.

God is love.


Have a great weekend!


In love,


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