A Word · Encouragement · My life and Christ

Challenge 2013

So here we are in the last day of November on the brink of beginning a new year in 31 days. It seems like we just celebrated 2012. If anyone told me that I would have my own business, a husband, and a set of twins by 2012, I would think they were crazy!

In the design and photography world you hear the term “rebranding” used a lot and it’s oh so necessary to keep your business/products relevant and up to date. No one wants to be lost in translation. I remember being younger and every time it is was time to start a new school year I would always try to “update” or improve myself to be better than I was last year. I can admit some of my ideas were a little ridiculous but I’m sure I’m not the only one that has ever tried this. How do I know? Just check out the book store (or in our generations case, amazon) and see how many self-help books there are. So much pressure and attention on the idea of being better or different, than you are now.

We tend to see an increase in this idea when we start to come closer to the new year. Soon magazines will be filled with how to look your best in 2013 or 5 steps to a better you. Resolutions are cool, if you’re into that sort of thing but let’s be honest. Most resolutions last for a month, maybe 2 and they slowly filter out of our lives and we find ourselves making the same resolutions for the next year.

I’m not into resolutions but I am into goals and vision. I am also into challenges and that’s what I want to make to you today. That’s right. I’m hitting you with a challenge for 2013 and here it is. While you’re getting your resolutions together next month think about the possibility on a rebrand; a faith rebrand.

You love Jesus, you live your life for Him, you serve Him, and all of the above but could you be doing more. Is He calling you to greater? Are there some things that you could IMAG1147-1do without in your life? Bad habits? Nasty attitudes? Negative perspectives?

Of course! We are could. God is calling us all higher and for more. The funny thing about higher is that it’s a place that we’ve never been so we are going to have to adjust and adapt to new environments, experiences, and anointing. Rebrand. Take what you have and upgrade, transform, and rearrange it, making Christ the designer.

When we allow Christ to design and redesign our brand life, we get to experience some great things.

Maybe He’s calling you into something new in this season. Maybe it’s uncomfortable to make the changes but trust me, God is the ultimate designer and His designs are far greater than any magazine or book can offer. I can speak for me and God is pulling me into something new and once I said yes, crazy doors have been opened. Ready for a new season, level, and anointing.

So… You up for the challenge?!


In love,


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