My Life · Personal

Can it be true?!

So it’s the last Monday in November and I am somewhat freaking out. December starts at the end of the week and my babies will be 5 months old in 2 weeks! I look at pictures from when we first brought them home, thinking they were so big but in reality they were sooo little. They entered the world at 5.3 pounds and 5.6 pounds and now weigh 14.3 pounds and 14.6 pounds!

Gracen and Micah communicating with each other in their own twin way!

My babies are getting big but I’m loving every second of it. When they laugh it drives me hysterical. Oh and baby boy Micah has a burp that could match a 30-year-old man and Gracen is my incredible hulk. The guy transforms within seconds based on his hunger level!

Life is super fun right now. My kids are amazing and I’m totally in love with the hubs! Lots of fun changes in our business too. I just launched my new website which you can see here and am starting a newsletter for exclusive information and deals which you can sign up for here.

2013 is so close and a fresh season is upon us. I hope everyone is enjoying the end of 2012 and making every moment count!

Happy Monday!

In love,


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