My Life · Personal

Forever Memories

Staying up later than you ever stay up and hovering around the kitchen and asking for samples. Waking up earlier than normal even though you turned the alarm off. Great movies and Macy’s Day parade followed by a dog show. March of The Wooden soldiers and The Preacher’s Wife while snacking on goodies and sipping TV. Now adding in making home-made baby food and watching clothes. And I can’t forget capturing more “Baby’s firsts”.

Thanksgiving is different now that my Aunt Camille is gone but it still remains the same. The aromas mixed in with the traditions reminds me that life could be better but it is pretty great. We are such a blessed family and God has truly shown us His favor. 

I am sincerely thankful for the family and friends I have in my life. I am thankful for the health of me and my family; for the laughs we share and even the tears we’ve shed. I’m thankful for warm slippers and hot tea made with water heated up in a cute yellow tea kettle. I’m thankful for life, love, and faith.

Happy Thanksgiving!

In love,


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