Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Something New!

I know, you’re probably thinking, “Geesh! She does a lot of new things!” And I’m not even going to deny it! I love new things, most of the time. Especially when the new things happening are things I’ve been waiting for, what seems like, forever.

Confused yet?

When I went to the Pursuit 31 conference, I went with an expectation of greatness and God certainly exceeded those expectations. They had some awesome give aways which I wanted like everything but in the back of mind I was thinking, “I never win stuff like this but I hope this time it changes!” Boy was in for a surprise. Just because I didn’t have on earrings, wasn’t wearing socks or the color green I was one of the winners of a FREE website for a year… A SHOWIT website!

If you are familiar with Showit you know that this is a big deal! I have wanted a showit site since my junior year in college (4 years) and I just didn’t have the money to get started so I just thanked God for the free websites and designed them the best that I could. I’m sure you can imagine my face when I found out that I won. I have been working for almost a month on this site.  I would have loved to just hire a designer to do it for me but they can be pricey which is understandable, it’s a lot of work. I attempted to use a template but they just weren’t working for me.

I know design, I just didn’t feel like I had the time and let’s face it, I was being lazy. But November 26th my new website will be published!!!

So excited and I just can’t hide it….

 By the way… Have you signed up for the newletter to receive exclusive information concerning Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design?! Sign up here!

Happy Thursday!

In Love,


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