
Because You’re Worth It…

Maybe I’m strange or maybe I  just have a super creative brain ( I prefer the latter) but saying “You’re worth it” makes me think of a super tall and in shape model with long shiny hair and watching as she whips her hair a little to hard to the alternate side while flashing a huge yet mysterious smile. A little much?! Of course not!

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been a victim of Regina George YOURSELF. Maybe you’re not someone who has but both of my hands are raised high to the sky. It’s so easy to victimize yourself. I’m referring to the not-so wonderful art of second guessing yourself. We all, at some point in our lives, have second guessed ourself in some form and manner. Maybe you have in your professional life, family life, or ministry. For me I tend to do it in all aspects of my life but most recently in my business.

The photography world is jam-packed with awesome photographers who know their stuff and display their amazing work. It’s so easy to get caught up in “the other guy” that I can lose sight in who I am as an individual, an artist, and a business owner. The struggle with second guessing usually appears when it’s time to talk money.

Money is great and there are a lot of things I need to buy or would like to buy and money sounds pretty nice! But when it’s time to set prices or state prices I get a little squirmy and start to think to myself, “I can’t charge that! I haven’t done enough of those kinds of shoots” or “What if they don’t book me because of the price? I really could use the money.” Similar thoughts reel through my head over and over again and then all of a sudden Jesus is like, “Pump the breaks CarmZ!” Yea, that’s right. Me and Jesus are tight like that!

He reminds me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I was created with a specific purpose and identity. What I do may not be like what other people do but our significance is in our difference not in our likeness. And maybe He’s reminding you of the very same thing. Maybe you’re a photographer and maybe you’re not. Either way, this applies to our lives as a whole.

You are uniquely and specifically different and we need to rejoice in that. Second guessing ourselves is like us telling God that He made a mistake and He’s not that great at the whole creating thing. If you want to let God know that you think He’s bad at His job, be my guess… but may I suggest rethinking that!

Be encouraged. You are worth it! You’re worth the investment. The investment of time, relationship, money, love, or whatever else you desire. Don’t second guess yourself, You’ve got the creator of the universe who believes in you!

This is my “You better do it” face!

Happy Tuesday!

In love,


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