My Life · Personal

On to Number 3!! ::: Behind the Lens

Today is a great day! Why?!


A. The Lord made this day and I’m alive to see it.

B. It’s our anniversary!!!

Yes, today is me and my husband’s 2nd anniversary!! We have completed 2 years of marriage and are now ready to take on year 3!! I am so excited because I have seen God do some awesome things in our relationship and in our lives right before my very eyes.

I consider it an honor and a blessing to be able to celebrate 2 years of marriage with the most amazing man ever!!!

I’m one of those people who really enjoy love, happiness, and togetherness, so I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I say that I love, love, LOVE Patrick O. Billups and I am just so blessed to be his wife!!!!!!!

I could say that over and over again, but I won’t because that would probably annoy you.


We are both at work today so I wish you an amazing work day and I am so excited to see you and spend time with you as we celebrate what God has done in our lives! You’re a mighty man of God, full of compassion and vision. You dream big and you get it done and I admire that. You’re the logic to my sporadic thoughts and decisions and I appreciate that. It’s kept me out of lot’s of trouble! You push me to be greater when I don’t see it. You get frustrated with me sometimes but you love me anyway! I could go on and on forever, but I won’t. I love you and look forward to MANY more years of celebration! Happy Anniversary!

Happy Tuesday!

In Love,


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