Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design · My Life

Dream Big ::: Goals Revamped

I know it’s the first Tuesday of the month and I’m supposed to post about my business and life goals for the month. I’ve been sitting here thinking and trying to process them and ran into a little road bump. I’m on photography maternity leave until August so my goals as it pertains to business would be a little different as would my personal life goals. So as you read through the goals, they might seem a little different from normal and that’s simply because things are different from normal.

I figure I can look at this off time in one of two ways. I could pout and enviously look at other people’s shoots featured on other photographer’s blogs and talk to myself about how much I wish I could shoot (in the picture sense) someone or I could take this time to polish my business so I can come back with a boom!

I chose the latter which reflects in this month’s business goals.

Business Goals

  • Go through paperwork and update, create, and change anything necessary
  • Contact places for business partnership opportunities
  • Create a list of exciting events so I won’t miss them or try to plan a shoot to celebrate last-minute
  • Get past client list together
  • Work on Thank you disc packaging
  • Advertise!!!!

As for personal goals…

Personal Goals

  • Get this house painted and the boy’s room put together
  • Complete some of these DIY projects I’ve been wanting to do
  • More prayer, More worship, More bible… Deeper relationship with Christ!!
  • SAVE!!!! This is easy to write but harder to do. At least when it comes to me.

Dream big!!! You have greater inside of you!!

In love,


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