A Word · Encouragement

Living Beyond ::: Inspire Me Wednesday

Beyond: outside the understanding, limits, or reach of; past

Everyday that we’re alive we experience surprise. In life, we never know what’s going to happen next or come up. Because of this, it’s easy to get so caught up in the right now that we neglect to see beyond where we are.

We are ALL created in the image of God. Yes, I said “all” meaning every single person, believer or not. God is a victorious God and so we were created to be victorious people and God desires us to experience victory everyday not just every once in a while. Looking at my own life, I noticed that when I focused on what was going on in my life right now, I tended to be more defeated. “Student loan people keep calling even after we spoke”, “We have twins on the way and no place to live and nothing is available for rent.”, “I need to buy x,y,and z but only have enough for half of ‘x’.”, “Could I have done more to prevent this teen or young adult from making this certain decision?” Defeat, defeat, defeat!!

I was living a victorious life with a defeated mindset causing me to live in defeat. Talk about living a lie. As a human being, you are created for victory and as a believer you have a right to that victory.

I’ve found that defeated people focus on what’s going on right now. Victorious people live life beyond the current scenery.

Let’s look at the bible.

Abraham lived beyond God’s request to sacrifice his ONLY son. Abraham didn’t fall to pieces, like some of us would. Instead of focusing on the situation, he saw beyond it and that God is faithful and would provide.

Noah lived beyond the mockery from his peers. He didn’t focus on the fact that everyone was mocking him for building a huge boat for something that had never happened before, rain. He saw that God was greater than his current situation and worth following regardless of how his peers would treat him or talk about him.

David lived beyond the sight of Goliath. He didn’t focus on this huge giant that even the greatest warriors were afraid to fight. He saw beyond the threat and trusted in the fact that God was stronger and able.

Peter lived beyond the facts that water could not be walked on. He didn’t focus on the fact that it should be impossible to do it, it made the move and did it. And even though he began to sink once he lost his focus he knew that Jesus was able to save Him and cared about Him enough to save him.

Jesus lived beyond the pain and torture of the cross experience. He knew that His pain would be overcome by victory for Him and for us. He knew about the potential suffering but saw the greatness that would come afterwards.

Regardless of where you find yourself, you are victorious and you have the option to live beyond your current position.

God has greater available for you. It’s a choice that you have to make. Will you choose to live defeated or live beyond in victory?

In love,


* The first step to victory is accepting Jesus as your Lord and as your Savior and to commit to live a life completely committed to Him. It’s so simple. Read this aloud right where you are.


I come to you asking that you come into my heart and save me. I believe that You are the Son of God and that you were crucified and rose from the dead after 3 days and are now in heaven seated next to the Father. I accept you as my Lord and Savior and ask that you make yourself real in my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me!

In Jesus Name,


Yup, that’s it. Congratulations! You’re saved now and all of heaven is rejoicing! I would love to know if you said this prayer for the first time. Send me an email and let me know!! CarmaletaAnn@gmail.com

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