My Life · Personal

5 Random Things ::: Me, behind the lens

If you know me personally or have been following the blog you know I love to laugh and use way to many of these —> “!!!!”

You probably also know that I love my husband, my second shooter is amaze, and I’ve got twins on the way… soon!!

But hey, I’m a complex person so of course there are fun things about me that you may not know.

I love building relationships and I want to know you so of course I want you to know me!

Here’s 5…

  • If I want to laugh I go on YouTube and watch this video. I watch it over and over again… did I mention over?!
  • I have random outburst of commercial lines almost all the time! “Unicorns and Glitter!)
  • I work full-time at a School Board Office but one day I hope to be able to work in full-time ministry
  • I HAVE to go to sleep with the TV on but I’m super sensitive so it has to be on Nick at Night!
  • I watched the Facebook F8 Conference online at work because I’m just that nerdy informed!

Boom! There you have it!!!

Happy Tuesday!

In love,


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