Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design · My Life

Go With The Flow ::: Inside the business + Booms & Blahs

One thing about me is I like to plan. Seriously. I make daily to-do lists to make sure I get done everything that needs to get done, but you knew that already. I fill out our family calendar a month in advance and I’m pretty sure April is booked and May is looking full already too. I even have a blogging calendar that sends me an email everyday on what to blog about!

It’s so easy to get caught up in schedules and calendars and that’s not a bad this. But sometimes, our lives and business call for us to just “go with the flow”. Sometimes what’s scheduled might not be what’s best for today.

It’s great to be disciplined and it’s even better to be flexible. A lot of the time the best moves are the flexible ones. For example, on Thursdays I have scheduled to do features and on Friday’s I have booms and blahs scheduled.

Last Thursday came can I posted a wedding featured. I’ve done this before but this particular wedding feature brought so much site traffic that the site labeled it as the most popular day. I was pretty excited about this, especially since it hadn’t even been up for 24 hours yet. So I had to make a call. Friday was now here and it was time for booms and blahs BUT the wedding featured had already brought in almost 100 views before 10 am that next day. Was I going to be by the book or flexible. I chose to be flexible and the blog was super explosive this weekend. I think my decision to be flexible was a great move for my business, my blog, and I’m sure the couple didn’t mind it at all!

Besides the weekend was great and a great addition to my BOOMS! and BLAHS!

So here they are from last week!!



  • Last week I had the worst cough everrrrrrr. I do NOT like to cough
  • Chilly weatherrrr made me put my skirts and dresses on hold
  • working when everyone else in the office is having fun spring breaks (next year shall be different)
  • We planned to but never got to Busch Gardens. Maybe this week?


  • Not eating out for lunch all week! This is a great accomplishment!!!
  • The blog having the most views EVER!!
  • Having a great doctor’s appointment and scheduling a 3d/4d ultrasound
  • Birthday dinners on the water with friends and great food!!
  • Fun impromptu cookouts!!

Here’s to a great week of great accomplishments and going with the flow!!

In love,


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