My Life · Personal

Busy Monday

This weekend flew by! It was great but it was jam-packed to the brim and today isn’t any different.

Today is Monday, which means getting back into swing of the work/meetings week. And not only is it a new week full of work days and meetings, it’s also Passion week which means a ton of preparation for Easter Sunday!!

AND THEN, we’re preparing for baby showers and babies arrivals! So we’re all over the place.

If I were to write my to-do list out completely I would be overwhelmed and probably not get anything done.

So I’m writing my list chunk by chunk, day by day. I’ve found that this is the best way to stay on track and to keep myself from becoming overwhelmed.

Life can get a little overwhelming sometimes so I see no need to add to it by placing all sorts of pressure and demands on myself.

I’ve heard the saying, “How do you eat an elephant? Piece by piece.”

Yea, we’ve all got A LOT to do and accomplish but take it piece by piece. It’s so much more effective that way. You’ll get more done in a timely manner. You might just shock yourself and realize it’s not that overwhelming after all!

Personally I need all sorts of things for the babies’ shower but I started small!

Aren’t these the cutest straws to go in the mason jar cups we will have!?

Gotta start somewhere!

Happy Monday!

In love,

A non-stressed out C.B.

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