My Life · Personal


Sometimes you wake up and the sky is gray and foggy.

Sometimes it gets hard to smile or laugh.

Sometimes you have days where you have to encourage yourself and claim that your day is a great day!

And in those times, you deserve the right to laugh at ridiculous things. At least, I think this is a deserved right.

In case you’re having one of those days or have one of those days in the future, I’ll share with you some things that make me laugh EVERYTIME I see them!!

Thank you Pinterest!

I don’t know what was funnier. The thought of me in a bikini or the fact that I’d always rather eat ice cream!

Sometimes you just have to have a serious heart to heart about all that gangsterness! And yes, I have my own vocabulary!

This is hilarious to me! I have a voice to go along with this and everything!

I think I cried laughing when I saw this! Gets me everytime!

Sometimes the funniest things are the truest things, that’s what makes them so funny! This is totally me!

I won’t judge you, if you don’t judge me! Deal?!

Happy Tuesday!

In love,



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