Encouragement · My life and Christ

The Self Tour-Guide

I’ve taken tons of field trips and have visited many places. One of my favorite things to do in a new place is take a tour with a tour guide who is familiar with, what seems like, everything you could possible want to know about where you are. I mean, it amazes me every time. All I can think about is what the qualification test might look like.

I appreciate these tour guides so much! I would either get lost if I tried to guide myself or miss out on some really important and beneficial information about where I’m visiting.

Sometimes in life, I tend to forget that I’m in a place that I’ve never been before. I mean, have you already been to tomorrow? Yea, I didn’t think so. So if you’re in the tomorrow that came before your yesterday then you’re some place you’ve never been before and trying to guide and direct yourself probably isn’t the wisest thing.

Truth is, I trust God. I believe that He has some great things in store for me and if I stay focused and follow Him my destiny will be revealed. But sometimes, I find myself trying to plan out how I’m going to get to the destiny. How my life will go. Instead of following the GPS down the road it tells me to go, I sometimes try to go down a different road in the same direction that just so happens to look a lot more fun to go down.

The good thing is God knows me and He knows that I don’t do this intentionally so when I do get caught up in my own plans and routes He gently reminds me that He knows better and that I need to slow it down and take a backseat.

Although this reminder may cause some let downs or disappointments, it’s something that I’m so grateful for. My savior loves me so much that He goes out of His way to give me a reality check to make sure I get everything He has for me!

He doesn’t just do this for me. He wants to do this for all of us. He wants us all to put down the “This is how my life will go” agenda and allow Him to have complete control in our life. He doesn’t want us to stop desiring things, because He says in His word that He gives us the desires of our heart, but what He does want is for us to rely on Him being our tour guide in this uncharted territory rather than depending on ourselves.

Our plans for our lives are great but God’s plans are so much greater. Allow Him to be your tour-guide. He’s knows any and everything you would need to know about the place you’re in right now.

In love,


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