Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design

Eliminating Procrastination:: Inside the Business

One of the biggest fights of my life is with that pesky enemy of procrastination. It’s like when I was in school procrastination introduce himself to me and ever since then it’s been a struggle to shake him and cut him off!

Procrastination is a killer. Maybe not a physical killer but it can kill a dream, an idea, a vision, a ministry, and even a business. I remember starting my business and waiting until the last-minute to do everything!

We have a lot going on in life so it’s good if we come up with systems that work for us and help us be productive and effective, all while limiting stress.

I tried everything. But I found that an old-fashioned “To-Do” List worked best for me. It had to be one where I could cross off tasks without erasing them so I can see how much I had done which motivated me to complete the rest of the list. It works so well for me. I have also implemented this into my personal life and it works wonders!

I also saw that I had a weakness in my blogging consistency and decided that a blogging calendar shared between my closest friends and husband would help hold me accountable. It has worked so far and I’ve seem dramatic changes for the better in my business.

When it comes to any aspect of life, we have to let procrastination go and make us of all of our time. Easier said than done, I know but it’s so worth the challenge. Maybe my ways don’t really work for you and that’s perfectly fine. What works for me might not work for you. Find what works for you and go for it. Don’t just aim to be good, aim to be effective. Don’t just aim to get things done, aim to be productive.

Sometimes it’s the little things that help us soar to the highest heights!! Reach for higher and greater.

In love,


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