
Dear 17-year Old Me…

Have you ever thought about how you acted or what you did when you were younger? Or maybe even saw a picture of you from “back in the day” and wondered, “what in the world was I thinking?!”

Well, if you haven’t you can live through me because I definitely have and a lot! I don’t regret but I do look back and laugh and say “Geez Carmaleta” quite often.

If I could there are some things that I would say to the 17-year old me so I thought I’d let you in on my conversation!

Dear 17-year old me,

– Myspace isn’t that serious. In fact in about a year, you won’t even use it.

– Find something else to do after school other than take pictures of yourself and play on AIM.

-Don’t second guess yourself and your ability. You can do it!

– Just do the dishes when your mom asks rather than having to wake up at 3 am to do it.

– It may not be a good idea to wear cheetah print pants the first day of high school in a new district.

– Pay more attention in your graphic design classes! You’re going to be using this information one day.

– Get off the phone during day. Don’t run the cell phone bill up to $600!

– Don’t be so mean, especially to your boyfriends. They are people too and you never know who you will run across later.

– No, you don’t want the small 13 inch white Macbook, get a 17 in or larger Macbook pro. Trust me, it will come in handy.

– Pay a little more attention in class. Take the work and grades a little more serious.

– Good job noticing Patrick Billups! 🙂

I’m sure I can come up with alot more to say but this will do for now.


Grown-up C.B.

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