My life and Christ · Personal

Living in Purpose

God has been showing Himself to be completely faithful in my life so I feel as though it’s only right for me to be faithful in the ideas and concepts He has given me. Not because I feel like I have to but because I want to. I am so in love with who God is, I just want to love on Him all the time with my submission and obedience.

When I humble myself in the Lord, He speaks to me and changes my life every time. Earlier this week, I was thinking on a message that came across the pulpit on Sunday about how we need to get in God’s way so He can get His hands on us. God told me that He needed me to live in purpose. At first I was a little confused. Did He mean to live on purpose, like have a meaning to everything I do?

I quickly found he meant exactly what He said, as always, to live in purpose.

Really this post has absolutely nothing to do with you. It’s all about me. I’ll be sharing a lot more about myself on the blog because I feel people need to know, I’m human and I’m not perfect and God deals with me just like He deals with everyone else. I’m also sharing so that I can be held accountable. If you see me acting contrary to what I write, stop me and let me know.


I have accepted the call to live in purpose.

So many times I have lived on purpose. Meaning, I came up with ideas and projects that I wanted to do and I lived in a way to get it done. Everything I did had a purpose to get to what I wanted. That’s how I see living on purpose. But when I sit back and think, how many times did I just use “I” in that sentence?! Way too much, if you ask me.

Living in purpose frees me from feeling like a failure or experiencing unnecessary pressure and releases me to seek God and see what He has purposed and called for me to do. Living in purpose is accepting that call and moving forward in it, regardless of how unpopular the decision is with others or even me. Living in purpose calls me to not just talk about but to actually do what I am talking about.

I accepted this call to live in purpose because I have a desire to reach my destiny and to see lives changed and transformed every day and everywhere. I want to see Jesus exalted and lifted up. It’s not about me and that’s the first thing I had to realize.

If this thing, called my life, is going to be effective, I must forget about myself. I must surrender who I am and take on the character and nature of who He is. I’ve got to die daily to my flesh. I must reject fear and the world’s expectation of me and accept the identity that God has given me and step out of my comfortable box. I must make a decision to not conform to the world but allow God to transform me.

I am living my life in purpose. I don’t mind standing alone but there is room for more. Maybe you see that you want to live your life in purpose too.

This is not a movement, it’s a decision. There is nothing more powerful than a made-up mind and that’s exactly what this is. This is a decision to live your life in the purpose that God has for you.

I’m in, are you?


In love,


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