My life and Christ

In a Land of Giants

A giant, according to, can be described as something or someone that is unusually large, great, or strong.

Based off those given adjectives I would probably assume that coming across a giant I would either freeze in fear (I tend to do that) or run in the other direction. And if it wanted to fight I would probably pretend I was crazy or something because based off looks and adjectives a giant, in my book, would be unbeatable.

But David saw his giant as beatable. He never made mention or considered his size or strength-appeal. Nope. He knew that the giant had no right to be coming up against him and his people and went out to conquer. The cool thing is, when he went out to conquer it wasn’t even about him. That giant was coming against God’s people therefore he was trespassing and David defeated him on God’s power not his own.

Have you ever found yourself amongst giants? You know the big stuff that seems unconquerable (Did I just add to the English language?!), whether it be a person or a situation or maybe even a habit.

I recently found myself in a land full of giants. In this particular land these giants came fully equipped with large super professional cameras, super intense flashes, and age. I won’t go into detail but let’s just say I found myself being pushed out-of-the-way, stepped on… yesss stepped on, hit with a chair, talked about behind my back but loud enough for me to still hear everything being said. Talk about a land full of giants! Did I mention this is more than one person.

They had flashed that I didn’t, lenses that I didn’t, and a connection with some of the people who I didn’t.

But like David I knew I was one of God’s favorites and he set me up in this land so I did what I was called to do and I did it with a smile. Even saying sorry and moving when someone pushed me out-of-the-way.

Later that night as I was going through the images, I noticed that they were coming out excellent. See, I was a little worried because it was super dark but the photos came out great! Can you believe the huge flashes coincided with my flash and made my shots come out amazing!

YUP! The giant helped me and not only me but it helped God get the glory and it showed just hot awesome He really is.

See Goliath, David’s giant, came to kill but in the end he didn’t win and he actually helped in launching David forth and God got the glory!

Sometimes when we find ourselves in a land full of giants it is so easy for us to retreat or second guess where God has brought us. Maybe God brought you in the midst of giants to launch you forward and higher. Or maybe he place you there so that He can get the glory and you and those around you can see His power demonstrated in your life.

Whatever the reason is, don’t retreat! Stay where He has you until He says move, no matter how unpleasant or uncomfortable it is. I’ll leave you with this… All things work together for the good of those who love God… Romans 8:28

Be encouraged and trust God. There is victory for you in the midst of the giants.

In love,


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