
My Journey

If you’ve been a faithful blog reader, and even if you haven’t, you have seen me write though some pretty interesting times.

You’ve shared in my feeling of having no purpose and in my search of a career after graduation.

Well here I am, 1 year later, and God has proven himself to be so faithful.

I’m effectively operation in Ministry in a higher level in Christ. I have a full-time job with benefits and salary that won’t take away or interfere with ministry or even my own business. And speaking of my business, Carmaleta Ann Photography & Design is growing by leaps and bounds! New clientage every week and super huge announcement that isn’t quite ready to be released yet. There is so much more I could say but my fingers would cramp up and I’d be here foreverrr!!

God has proven himself to be so faithful in every aspect of my life.

I am so glad that God is true to His character even when we lose our faith. His love for us is incomparable and greater than anything I could thouroughly understand.

Happy Wow God Wednesday

and Happy 1 year anniversary to the blog and it’s readers!!!

In Love,


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