A Word · Encouragement

Child-like Surrender

Yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking at a youth service yesterday evening. They were crowning the new Mr. or Miss Pennies from Heaven and each candidate had an opportunity to showcase their talents with the whole congregation.

It was so cute seeing little children run around rather than do their talent of counting to ten or giving the blank stare to the audience when asked to perform everything they just practiced. The room was filled with sounds of “aww” and laughter followed by loud applause.

BUT then there was this 6-year-old little girl who stood in front of the congregation of adults and stated that she was going to sing.

She was nervous and moved forward slowly concentrating on the floor.

She looked up and her mother said “SING” and she did. She sang “Because of Who You Are”, by Vicki Yohe. When she started words of encouragement sprung from the crowd. By the second time around the room got quiet and a random hand clap would interrupt the silence every now and then.

I looked around, and by the next verse hands were up and people were being led into worship by a 6-year-old singing in a way that I’ve never seen a six year-old sing.

It was amazing. She was so scared staring out into the congregation but when her mother, the one who is the authority in her life said to sing, she did. Immediately.

She didn’t shake her head no, or take a long pause. She simply did what she was called there to do. She sang.

A lot of times God tells us to do things that are hard or that shake us to the core and a lot of the times we question Him or give Him excuses of why we can’t do it.

God wants us to surrender to His will as a child surrenders to their parents requests.

I’m scared but I’m going to do it. And since perfect love casts out fear, you won’t be scared for too long.

God has called you to something bigger than what you can imagine. This of something super huge or challenging that you would like to do in life…

Got it?!

Okay, well God has called you to bigger than that!! More than you can even imagine up.

Be encouraged. God has better than the best in store for your life. Don’t be afraid to give into child-like surrender.

In Love,


One thought on “Child-like Surrender

  1. I love your post.
    It made me wish you had a video clip of that little girl singing 🙂
    You know, there is a sense of freedom when one can choose to follow God’s direction with confidence (in God) despite scariness that may be attached.
    Thanks for sharing!

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