A Word

Drop Your Net

“So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:33 NKJV

Umm excuse Jesus, did you mean to say I have to give up everything or did you mean to say I just have to give up the bad things?!

Most people read this and think about their beautiful homes that they’ve worked so hard for or maybe even that high paying job that they went to school for a ridiculous amount of years to be able to be qualified for. And I’m sure there are other thoughts that come to your head but those are just for example sake.

Now let’s think, what would we do if Jesus asked us to lay it down and follow Him?

Let’s look at Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew in Matthew 4. They were fisherman by trade. What does that mean? They fished in order to survive and to help they family live. They were out doing what they do best and Jesus sees them and tells them to follow Him and do you know what they did?

They immediately dropped their nets and followed Him.

That’s right, I said immediately. No hesitation!! They left what was comfortable to follow Christ.

As Christians, we should all want to be considered as Christ’s disciple. And in the scripture that we started with, we realize that in order to do that we are going to have to give up everything and make Him our everything.

Take a minute and search your heart and your life. Is there anything that God is calling you to give up for Him?

Is He calling for you to walk away from your high-paying, time-consuming job so that you can take a more flexible job and focus more on the ministry that He has called you to? Is He calling you to give up your comfortable background position in order for you to become a leader and a world-changer? It could be anything. Seek God for He is faithful and will answer.

Earlier we were talking about Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrews encounter with Jesus. Jesus said to them follow me, for I will make you fishers of men. Jesus had more planned for their lives than they could have every imagined. He wanted to take them beyond the ordinary.

God has more planned for your life than what you are experiencing now and it is so much greater than any plan we could come up with for ourselves.

Today, Jesus is urging you to drop your nets and follow Him. Will you?

Be blessed,


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