A Word


Facts. Facts. Facts.

We have been raised to see what we see and say exactly what we see. To say what you don’t see would be considered having an imagination or others might think of it as lying.

Some pretty crazy things have been happening in the world lately and even personally. People are in need, dying, and living with just barely enough. It’s crazy, and it is so easy to say what we have. It’s so easy to meet up with a friend at the nearest Panera Bread of Chic-Fil-A and talk about all the craziness in your life and how much it absolutely sucks.

Sometimes I even catch myself , what I call, wallowing in my own sorrow. Meaning, I get overwhelmed by a situation and I start trying to fix it on my own. And clearly, I can’t and that’s when frustration sets in.

The bible says in Proverbs 18:21, that life and death are in the power of the tongue. This is said over and over again. “Watch what you say.” “Don’t say that.” “Don’t say what you see because we walk by faith and not by sight.” And that’s all true and important.

BUT we tend to leave a very important part out. Death AND LIFE is in the power of the tongue. Yes what we say can hinder our right now but what we don’t say can be even more detrimental.

What we say has the power, or the ability to resurrect some dead things in your life. Say what you desire. Speak your destiny, like you’re already there. Speaking your destiny places an expectation on God and expectation causes God to move.

Sometimes it’s hard to change the way we speak, especially if we’ve been doing it for so long. In order to accomplish a life change through our words we must have a mind and heart change. We have to allow God to do a clean sweep of our hearts and open up his Word and allow it to transform our way of thinking. Remember that phrase, “What Would Jesus Do?” Let’s look at it as How Would Jesus Think?

We must develop a Christ mindset and that happens through reading His word and spending time in prayer and conversation with Him. God will begin to reveal who you are to you and once you’ve got that, You will understand your rights as His child, yes His CHILD! And once you understand who you are and what you’re entitled to you will begin to speak out of purpose and destiny.

Remember, you have to say SOMETHING. Life is in the tongue. Don’t waste your life with useless gossip and that other junk. Speak life into your life and all your situations.

I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. And if this is your first time reading the blog, even better!

God has a plan, purpose, and destiny for your life. Don’t allow yourself to become your own hinderance simply because of the words you speak and the words you don’t speak.

In Love,


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