
Loving All 7 Days

Truth is… it’s almost noon and I am still laying in bed with my pajamas on. But the beauty of it all is that I am actually working!! That’s right I am laying in the comfort of my bed getting stuff done.

While laying here I can’t help but think about having a job or career that I absolutely hated but I continue on because of the money. There are people out there that are doing just that. I just can’t seem to figure out how! 

I mean, can you imagine getting a good pay check but absolutely hating 5 days out of every week?! Or even spending thousands of dollars and 4-5 years studying a subject that you’re not that interested in but it promises a good paycheck after graduation? Maybe you can because maybe I’m describing you.

I absolutely love my job. I may not make that much money but my favorite thing about it is that it’s flexible and I have a lot of free time during the day to work on my own business (Which eventually will become my main career).

Take my now husband, then fiance’, for example. He came to college with a plan. He was going to major in computers and then get a good job with a good salary but his heart was in music. Finally he realized that he really wasn’t interested in computer programing and took a leap of faith and changed his major to music. Once he graduated, instead of finding a nine to five salary job he stated his own business and can I just say, The Lord is blessing!!!

It’s amazing what will do if we just trust Him. News flash!!! God does not want you miserable. He wants you to have an abundant life.

You should love what you do, or at least have some sort of interest in it. Don’t try to fit into the mold that you think others think is right. God has a plan and purpose for your life specifically and when you begin to walk in it… Geez, it will be absolutely amazing!

I know you’re thinking, “Carmaleta! How is the world am I suppose to know God’s plan for my life?!?!”

1 word, 3 letters.


Just ask God what he wants for your life. and you have to be willing to surrender all that you are to Him so that He can take you where He desires for you to go.

There’s this song that says, “He sees my beginning and He stands at the end…

Maybe it’s just me but I would rather trust my life with a God who knows what’s ahead and how it all ends than to trust it will myself, a human who really has no idea.

God cares about your life and every single decision you make. He wants you blessed and prosperous. He wants you to have an abundant life, as stated early.

He also wants your life.

Allow God to direct you in your paths from this day forward so that you can enjoy all 7 days of the week!

In Love,



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