
December Thank You’s

So here I am again. I’m on a roll, at least in my book I am! Like I stated earlier, somehow my carefully thought out December blog schedule slowly became procrastination which brings us to me blogging almost everyday this week!! But that’s okay because I am blogging about people who I love, nothing better.


This December Thank You goes to……. drumroll please…….

My pastors, Apostle and Prophetess Forrest.

My mom and dad in the gospel. I’m telling you they are the best EVER!!! I have grown and changed so much in the almost 4 years that I have been there. They truly love God’s people to the point where it amazes me! Even if someone stops loving them, they keep loving in spite of. Everyone can’t and doesn’t do that!

So thank you Apostle Steven and Prophetess Cheryl, mom and dad. Thank you for preaching and living the uncompromised truth. Thank you for your correction. Though it my hurt, it continues to make me better. Thank you for believing in my dreams and helping me towards my destiny. Thank you for pushing me to places I’ve never imagined I’d be doing things that at one time seemed impossible. Thank you for your love and compassion. Thank you for allowing God to birth New Creation Ministries out of you! Thank you for letting me eat your food and hang out at your house until midnight. Thank you for being a wonderful example of ministry, love, and destiny. I love you and am so thankful to have you in my life. I am so excited to see what is to come because I know that more is coming… greater is coming.

In love,


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