
December Thank You’s

So the internet access at home has been down which means I am seriously behind in my “Thank You’s”. With that being said I should apologize in advance for my coming outpour of posts this week and the fact that I have to type this through a cell phone (please excuse all errors) Today’s post is dedicated to my super fine, super amazing, super talented, super anointed husband. Mr. Patrick O’neil Billups. What can I say about this wonderful man of mine.
We started dating on Valentine’s day of 2007 and ever since then he has always been there for me. Going out of his way to drive me to interviews, practices, group meetings, and even Wal-Mart.
None of his efforts or sacrifices go unnoticed.
Thank you Mr.Billups for being you and loving me for me because you choose to not because you feel like you have to. Marrying you was one of the greatest decision and day of my life. No regrets when it comes to you. Your encouragement and pushing (emotionally not physically) has gotten me to a place I’ve never imagined and helped me to become a great woman and the awesome things is we have the rest of our lives to grow, experience, and become. Thank you and I love you!

In love,

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