
The Why


I haven’t blogged in like a million years and it’s nothing you did, I just had to get some things together!

Anywho, yes I am a blogger and no I’m not marketing a business on here and no I’m not a pastor or the leader of my own ministry. Why I blog is pretty simple. I may not get millions of hits or have thousands of blog stalkers but I love it…

And this is why I blog…

I love to share my life with people

I love to build honest relationships

I thrive on living an open-book type life

God talks to me and I love to share what He’s saying

I like to brag on God

God is working on me and I see the change in myself and I love sharing it

I like to talk, and when I blog, I write how I speak

I spend alot of time at home by myself so I need SOMETHING productive to do

Just because I like it!

And those are some of the reasons I blog.

Sorry there was no deep meaningful message hidden within the lines of this post. Life is not always deep. Sometimes it’s the simple things that bring a smile to my face…

I would love for you to share with me… What do you love?? Why do you do what you do?!

In love,


4 thoughts on “The Why

  1. I love to play golf! It’s so relaxing and calm being out on the golf course around nature and all of the trees. Not to mention the challenge of the sport in itself..trying to hit a tiny ball that isn’t moving, and land it at your target.
    Golf requires you to be so present in the moment while your playing…its such a great getaway!

    P.S.-Sweet blog!

  2. I loooove to talk.

    I love to laugh

    I love the fall, I love photography, I love my dog, Willow, I love my family, I love my job, I love mismatched socks, I love food, I love God, I love music, I love kids, I love to read.

    I loooove reading your blog. : )

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