My life and Christ

Truthfully Honest

I’m sure I am not the only one who has heard individuals walk around and loudly proclaim that they are “real” and that they “keep it real!” And I’m sure that I’m not the only one that realizes how ridiculously untrue that is, especially if you have to scream it from the mountain times. Your truth should speak for you! But hey, let me now get ahead of myself.

I was looking at some scriptures within the bible and I came across John 8:31-32 which, simply put, says that if we abide by the word of God, we are his disciples and will know the truth and that the truth shall make us free.

Now, I’ve read and have heard this scripture many times but this time something was different. Ever since prayer on Monday night at New Creation, God has placed the term unhindered in my spirit. The Holy Spirit then began to give me prayers to pray that sought Christ for an unhindered worship, repentance, life, etc. I have come to realize that the only way to be unhindered in Christ is to be completely honest in my relationship with Him.

This may not be a popular post but I feel it is so necessary, well at least as it applies to me. I had to realize that I don’t have it all together and there is absolutely nothing I can do on my own. I realized that I am such a broken creature who is nothing without Christ!! Spending time with Christ, He began to speak to me and let me know when I allow myself to come to terms with who I truly am, it makes it sooo easy for Him to begin to transform me. If I were to stay in denial with who I am, nothing would change. No new levels, no new dimensions… I would just be stuck in a rut.

The truth makes you free. Some people say set free but if your are set free there is an easy chance that you will be held captive again oh BUT since truth makes you free… Christ creates the freedom.

So let’s be honest right now…

Are we truly living honestly before the Christ we proclaim to serve? Are we living as Christ desires us to live? Are we fleeing from sin and living holy and righteous lives? Are we practicing true repentance continually? Are dying to our flesh? Are we following all His commandments?

The last question I ask in this post….

If a movie was played of your life and Christ was the audience, what would He say… well done or who are you?

In love,



** For those who feel that He might possibly question who you are please know that He loves you and there is still hope…

Romans 10:9 lets us know that if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we can be saved. We must repent (which means to turn away from) of our sins and receive His love and forgiveness.

Christ died so that we might have a chance at eternal life in heaven and not eternally suffer in Hell, don’t miss what He has for you!

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