
Kinda like a sticky note

I’m just sitting here on my couch waiting for vacation bible school to start and listening to my iTunes… specifically my playlist classically labeled, “My Favs”.

As I began to listen to Kari Jobe’s “You are for me” I couldn’t help but think about how great God truly is and how mighty He has shown himself in my life. It’s like sometimes I can get so caught up in “my” life and all that I do that I just need a reminder. We all sometimes need to be reminded of why we are Christians in the first place and how great and awesome this God we serve truly is.

It brings to mind the story of Martha and Mary in the bible.

A brief summary

Jesus came to a village and Martha welcomed Him into her home. Her sister Mary was also there. When Jesus came she sat at his feet while Martha rushed around doing multiple tasks and serving Jesus. Martha starts to get pretty frustrated with Mary and even Jesus because Mary was just sitting there instead of helping her and Jesus didn’t seem to have an issue with that. In the end Jesus lets Martha know that she is worried about too many things and that Mary made the right decision by coming to sit at His feet.

Such a simple story, with such a powerful message. For me, it was like a POW moment… I have been in Martha mode when in actuality it was time to be in Mary mode. Being a Martha isn’t bad nor is being a Mary, they both sat at the feet of Jesus. The difference is Martha, while sitting at His feet, was caught up in running around and trying to get things done and Mary decided to simply sit and experience all Jesus had to offer at that moment and time.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget just how great He is and that He is truly for us, especially if everything isn’t smooth sailing. That’s where a sticky note comes into play. Sticky notes are usually used for reminders, so this post is kind of like a sticky note.

So here’s my note to you (well really, it’s God’s note to me that I want to share with you)… God is faithful, He loves you, He sent His only son to die specifically for you, His son, Jesus Christ, laid down His life that you might be able to live and then He rose with all power in His hands that you and I might have the victory and the right to eternal life. You are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. You are not a sinner saved by grace, you are a child of the most high God that is saved by His grace. God has a plan and purpose for your life and all things work together for the good of them that love God. There is no condemnation is Christ. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. If you ask Christ to come into your heart, repent for your sins, and believe that He rose on the third day you can be saved and become a new creature in Him. No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Christ is for you and now against you. He loves you more than we will ever be able to comprehend!


Life can easily be compared to a complex roller coaster, with its many ups and downs and really high highs along with some really low lows. Sometimes the winds get so strong that it’s sometimes hard to breathe and you just want to get off but then you reach that point where the ride slows down for a bit and you get a chance to catch your breath and you realize how great it really is.

While you riding your “roller coaster” keep that little post-it in the back of your mind.  In all situations, God’s characteristics remain the same. Also remember to slow down and take time to experience Christ again.

In love,


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